Module 1 a- Personal Branding

In this Module #1 Personal Branding, you will create your Personal Branding using the 7 Pillars of How to Build an Authentic Personal Brand.

1. Personal Branding Overview

Click on the image below to start playing

2. Personal Branding - The Basics

Click on the image below to start playing

3. Why Build a Personal Brand?

Click on the image below to start playing


The 7 Pillars of Personal Branding

The 7 Pillars to Build an Authentic Personal Brand are presented below

Pillar #1 - Know Thyself

Complete the Action Sheet

Listen to the Audio version of the Action Sheet - Visualise and Design your Life

Visualise your perfect life813



Design your ideal life


Complete the Action sheets

Action sheet 2 Find your values

Action sheet 3 Mission Statement 

Furher Resources

You can go further in your self-discovery journey by taking the following personality tests: Enneagram | MBTI | Wealth dynamics


Pillar #2 - Know Thy Expertise

Pillar #3- Know Thy Audience

Pillar #4- Know Thy Market

Pillar #5- Control Thy Image

Pillar #6 - Connect with Authenticity

Watch the video

Listen to the Audio


Pillar #7 - Build Thy Community

Watch the video

Listen to the Audio



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2. Business Branding

Click on the image below to start playing

3. Your Niche

Click on the image below to start playing