5-day Challenge to Create Your Personal Brand Plan to Make More Money Doing What You Love
In 5 days, I'll show you how to design an influential personal brand that attracts lucrative opportunities, increase your income and work with people you love.
You will receive a FREE video in the next 5 days to understand why it is becoming crucial to build an influential personal brand to attract lucrative opportunities for your business rather than chasing work with no success. At the end of the 5-day, you will get a full implementation plan to build an influential brand that will allow you to increase sales, attract the right clients and create lucrative partnerships.
What we will cover in the next 5 days
Start the 5-day challenge Today!
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If you're going to have a personal brand in the digital space, take Francine's perspective which reinforce each other and enables you to be consistent.
Daniel G.
Senior Executive

Francine Beleyi
I am Francine Beleyi, Digital Strategist and Communication Consultant, founder of nucleus of change, a company specialising in helping organisations to adapt & thrive in the digital age and MyDigitalPal.com, where we teach experts, entrepreneurs and other individuals to learn step by step they skills they need to use digital tools to start and grow a business online and stop trading time for money.
When I first started exploring with Personal Branding in 2008, I had to jump over a lot of hurdles. I had no idea if I would ever be able to become a thought leader working with people you love. So, I made a lot of mistakes, and learned as much as I could along the way, and here I am. Now let me save you the time and trouble of learning the hard way.
I’ve helped hundreds of people get to where they want to go by clarifying what makes them unique. I promise to you that with your passion and my know how, I’ll get you there too. Sign up now and I will see you on the other side. You can find out more about me on my personal website francinebeleyi.com.